Monday, May 13, 2013

The Junkers are coming! The Junkers are coming!

It's that time of year that treasure hunters across the country wait for. When you wake up at 5am on a Saturday morning, put your game face on, and grab your favorite rolling granny cart. Soon it will be packed with odds and ends. You can almost taste the cider donuts and the fresh squeezed lemonade. Other than the granny cart you carry nothing but chapstick and cash. You can't risk being burdened with silly things like a cell phone. After checking the laces on your sneakers, you step out of your car and onto a dusty field lined with tents for miles. This is what you've trained for. This.... is Brimfield.

Ok, so perhaps I've gotten a tad theatrical. The theatrics are deserved, though, as any good junker who has been to Brimfield will tell you. On your first trip to the Brimfield Antique Show you can expect to feel many things: elated, overwhelmed, excited, exhausted, sunburned, thrilled, amazed, amused.... well, you get the idea. Vintage geeks come out in droves. Some wear shirts that have haphazardly been decorated in sharpie that read "looking to buy old maps/jadeware/rare coins/insert your idea of junk treasure here" in hopes that the right person will spot it and the Brimfield gods will smile upon them.

It's quite an experience. Even if you just go to people watch and enjoy the day browsing, I'm pretty sure you won't be disappointed. If you're looking to shop the show like a pro stay tuned! I'll be sharing some valuable info and tips later today. In the mean time, practice your haggling and shine up that granny cart!

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