Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday Find: His and Hers Tea Cups

Today's "Friday Find" is a pair of tea cups. Sounds ordinary enough, right?  
Well, not this time.
This set of cups with their saucers is over 100 years old. The man's cup says "Forget me not." and the lady's says "A present."  Made in Germany at the turn of the 1900's, these his and hers cups were quite the trend. This is back in the days of handlebar mustaches. You'd think that those long elaborate mustaches would make tea drinking difficult, wouldn't you? Well, this "his" cup has a secret.

 The frilly, floral, pink, glittery man's cup has a mustache guard.

 Amazing, is it not? Aside of the awesomeness associated with an antique mustache cup, both cups have highly detailed and delicate 3 dimensional decoration. The elaborate and, for lack of a better word, froo-froo design on these cups does make them a bit kitschy but in the best ways possible.

It's not everyday that you come across a set like this, all intact and in perfect condition. It has everything that an antique should have, in my opinion. Character, curiosity, and just the right amount of weird.

Now, I've held off long enough but I mustache you, would you like a cup of tea?

Yeah. Sorry about that.

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